This is just a standard E-Litre build that plays with general backline elemental main and sub-abilities like tenacity, bomb defense, and quick super jump. Not meant for any specific mode but rather is just a general all around multi-purpose build.
Main Abilities: Reasoning
Tenacity - Generally, with E-liter I am going to play pretty defensively and stay alive as much as possible (this is the goal and is typically how things go unless I am getting rushed down and my team isn't doing their job). Because of this, it will help build special to help with pushes once my team respawns.
Special Saver - In the case that I do get pushed and die, I will still be able to maintain a decent amount of my special to coordinate a push back in with either Bubbles/Storm.
Ink Saver Main - Helps with ink management
Sub Abilities: Reasoning
Bomb Defense - Protection against splash damage (inkjet)
Sub Saver - Decrease amount of ink consumed by use of sub (beacons/ink mine)
Quick Super Jump - Easier escape if stuck in sticky situation