17 件の結果
Comeback, Stealth Jump, and Swim Speed Shirt collector Discord: ドレイゴ#0824 XP: 2623.1 Twitter: @Drayyyygo_spl
Collecting Comeback and select Respawn Punisher gear. DM on twitter if you want anything (if you have comeback gear yourself, I’d greatly appreciate if you offer those for trading, but it isn’t necessary.)
I do not gear trade anymore. Search Woomy Warehouse, they should have almost everything you need. Updated 2/28/2022
I have 119 comeback gears, if I remember correctly. Some may not be updated here. 正しく覚えていれば、119個のカムバックギアがあります。一部はここで更新されない場合があります。 英語だけでなく日本語の注文もできて嬉しいです! My fc is 2109-2538-3409. discord: @samantha!#5547 twitter: @TheYiy I’m also a competitive player, H-3d reel gun pew haha, currently in midpoint
If you want a gear of mine, feel free to message me directly through twitter or discord(Yumura#5230)my switch code is SW 3797 9933 0874,I only speak English and Portuguese though
ex-Ink saver (sub) and inkres collecter (stopped collecting inkres since 14-6-2019 and ISS since 09-06-2019) Foil flingza, kdynamo and v/kjr main discord: Snivyblaee#5994 **MORE ACTIVE ON DISCORD SO IF YOU WANT TO GEAR TRADE SOMETHING FROM ME ITS BETTER IF YOU ASK THROUGH DISCORD!!!!!!**
Opened to gear trades, i do not mind, just dm me on twitter. I can answer after a bit of delay, but thats because i do not have any notifications for dm requests. If you really are in a hurry, or if i do not answer after a bit of time, then you can dm me through Discord (alexouu...#8693)
X目指して頑張ってます マニュベチュ、マニュコラ ギア迷走
need retire busy