10 件の結果
Comeback, Stealth Jump, and Swim Speed Shirt collector Discord: ドレイゴ#0824 XP: 2623.1 Twitter: @Drayyyygo_spl
I have 119 comeback gears, if I remember correctly. Some may not be updated here. 正しく覚えていれば、119個のカムバックギアがあります。一部はここで更新されない場合があります。 英語だけでなく日本語の注文もできて嬉しいです! My fc is 2109-2538-3409. discord: @samantha!#5547 twitter: @TheYiy I’m also a competitive player, H-3d reel gun pew haha, currently in midpoint
기어 주문은 트위터 @99KN0W로 연락주세요 (Call me Twitter @99KN0W for gear orders) 최신 업데이트 2019/7/12
I collect Toni Kensa gear variants across multiple accounts, but because this site only lets you register one thing for each piece of equipment, I made a spreadsheet with all the things I have or am still looking for: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11QMg5TUpGgpJzH1gM9t-uJFjijqcdmfFp5bV6gU8JQg/edit?usp=sharing Discord: Phasn#0001 Twitter: @FoxyPMC Feel free to message me on Twitter or Discord if you want anything from the spreadsheet! (If I dont answer a private message on Twitter, mention me in a tweet to check my messages because I sometimes miss them)
need retire busy