

Even though Kensa Splattershot is the weakest of the 3 standard Splattershot weapons, I still find use for it on some maps as a slayer player. Ancho-V Games, Moray Towers, and Walleye Warehouse Zones can make it a good mid liner as it can constantly pressure with its Suction Bomb and Tenta Missiles. Inkjet isn’t too great on Moray and it’s kinda difficult to use when the enemy is using the left and right fans and near the ledge on Ancho-V. Your job is to trap people with bombs and missiles applying a lot of pressure. Similar to the Nzap 89 but being a 4 shot with autobomb. Since you’ll be playing mid liner and won’t be fighting much, the main of sub power up will pressure back liners like charger, heavy, hydra, ballpoint, blob, and explosher from afar. When you respawn from dying, Comeback with the special saver+special charge combo will help you get missles immediately if your base hasn’t already been painted up. The 2 subs of qsj can help you get back to supporting your teammates or jumping out when you’re getting pressure by a inkjet, baller, etc. The 1 sub of bomb defense up can help you survive near shots of inkjet better and overall have a armor user can increase with your survivability. The object shredder is for rainmaker or for facing ink armor users, but you can use stealth jump for maps that are huge.

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I play ttek/octoshot, kensies, and octobrush.


