I do not accept trades. 交換は受け付けておりません。
スプラ3はメインGP替えれるのが良いですね。 いつも「イカす」評価、「お気に入り」登録、「フォロー」をしていただきありがとうございます! 私は見た目重視のコーデを日夜考察しているファッションガチ勢です(笑 ギア配布は週末のみ対応しています。先にswitchのフレンド申請してくださいね。
Im on Ikaclo in order to find splatnet gear to make cool outfits. Please contact me on Twitter if you see a piece of gear you want. Happy to help anyone out. Mind you if I have a wish list of gear Im looking for so any help finding them would be appreciated (some do not exist yet though). Ill follow anyone who fills out there profile and uploads and saves their gear list. The more Splatnet pieces the better! For Japanese users; If I follow your account its probably because you have gear I would like to order but unfortunately I have no way of messaging you. Please contact me to help me!
i don’t know