(English)Hi, I got a small amount, but if you need anything, send the DM to Twitter. + I am not good at English than you think, so please understand me even if my conversation is slow. (日本語)必要なものがありましたら,ツイッターにDMを残してください。日本語は翻訳機に依存するので少しおかしくなります。 ご了承ください (한국어)DM치셈 트위터 쓸 줄 모름
Gear trade is no longer accepted.
Diana#6338 Feel free to add me if you want to trade.
My discord is Gusty#0742 if you want anything send me a friend request and send me a message there
Currently on a break from Splatoon. Thank you for understanding! 私はスプラトゥーン2から休憩を取っています。 ご理解ありがとう! (訳者) 나는 스 플래툰 2 에서 휴식을 취하고있다. 이해 주셔서 감사합니다! (번역자)
配布可能です。 注文の際に知ってて欲しいこと↓ ・注文はDMに。(リプや@マークでの呼び出しは無視します、やめてください) ・フォローして下さっても基本的にフォロバはいたしません ・最初のDMになんというギアの何が欲しいのかを書いてください(例:イカセーラーブルーのヒト速) ・私が持っているのを確認したらフレコを教えてください ・部屋立て、ホコ持ちは私がします ・注文が終わったあとはフレンドを切ります 約束の時間に遅れそうな際は連絡してください。連絡無しで約束の時間から10分以上遅れた場合、注文はなしとさせて頂きます。 スピナー使い Japanese only 最終更新日:2022/7/1
I mainly play Backline weapons and collect mainly LDE I will try to be active. Dm on Twitter or Discord: US_jdog!#9611 I am somewhat active during the weekday, mainly at night. On weekends, I can be on all day, just know I sleep
Currently not accepting gear trades
English/Deutsch. @Hexennacht1 please DM me if you would like to order my gears! i am (usually) available 13:00-1:00 (1 PM - 1 AM) CDT.
Gear exchange: DM on twitter ギア交換 DM ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I mainly speak English but can speak Japanese if needed. Please let me know if you are interested in trading anything. I lost my data in September 2018, but I have been able to get most of my gear back. Whatever is listed is my up-to-date gear listing. Starting in December 2018 I may not be on as much as usual due to work, but feel free to message me on Twitter and I will get back to you as soon as possible.