今現在Nintendo switchを持っていないのでこのプロフィールは意味がないかもしれませんが、Nintendo switch2が発売してスプラをし始めたら、ぜひ誘ってくれると嬉しいです。 (中学2年生男子)
XP2500帯でのんびりやってる青バッジイカちゃんです。96デコにハマり中 全て3.9表記。ギア考察、ギアコレクト、バッヂ集め大好きなのでフォローよろしく!ほなカイサン!
Trying to form a competitive group with my pals. I have mentored/coached almost all of my Splatoon friends, so I have got a decent understanding of how Splatoon works. I play best in a supportive hybrid role (slayer/support, anchor/support). Before you start judging my rank, please know that Ranked is not everything. I would prefer to get perfect gearsets before entering Ranked. Besides, A rank is a hellhole and it is impossible to escape.