I like thermal ink- a l o t I play casual just trying to get better at the game and have a place to document what gear I have (I am yet to register all of my gear it should be up... eventually) DM me on discord (PossiblySoil#7558) or twitter if you want to order anything I have I should be online from 10am-10pm on weekdays and 2pm-5am on weekends (EST time zone) I am less active on twitter though (feel free to reach out if you have something on my want list as well :))
初心者ですが、スプラ大好きです いろいろ教えていただけると助かります ギアご希望の場合はTwitterにDMください~ ※お手数おかけしますが、DMのリクエストに気がついていないことがありましたので、あわせてDMを送信している旨、@orangeicecandyにメンションください 一緒に遊んでくれたら嬉しいです! 登録しているげそタウンギアは有志の方が作成されたハックギア一覧には該当しないものとなりますが確実性は不明ですハックギアがみつかった場合、配布交換可能ギアから削除しますのでお知らせください
josuke/vincent | sixteen 仗助/ヴィンセント・16歳 ✦ casually competitive ✦ i mostly use backline weapons! ✦ i speak english, spanish, and some japanese discord: josuke#1999 message me if you need anything! mándame un mensaje si necesitas algo! 何か必要な場合は僕にメッセージを!
Here for Gear Trades. Add my discord! "starshipwave" Just your average splatoon 1 veteran who likes Turf Wars and Salmon Run. I'm pretty competitive but, I'm trying to get out of that noise. Mellow-play better suits my lifestyle. I came here to look for gears with the movesets I want so, help me out? P.S. Barazushi & Toni Kensa is a high tier.
contact me on Twitter or Discord (happy#8861)
I mostly post my personal sets or planned personal sets. I main Gold Dynamo and Naut 47. I plan to make gearsets for every weapon. Have a nice day!~
I’m pi-Q! Nice to meet you ぴきゅーです。よろしく! If there are any gears that you are interested in, feel free to DM me at @piikyuuu✨✨ ギアを交換したいのなら、ツイッターでDMしてね!^^
I play ttek/octoshot, kensies, and octobrush.
I'm from Spain. uwu